Born in Luckington, Sue is a stalwart of the South Cotswolds; known by many as a horsewoman, businesswoman and champion of local people, someone to whom many turn when they need assistance. Her substantial contributions to communities and people are well recognised.
Sue is qualified as an equine scientist and lives at her livery yard at Luckington, where she and her team have built up a successful business looking after horses and riders, competing in equestrian events, and serving on the Luckington Parish Council for many years. A longstanding political thinker, Sue has benefitted from conversations with local and national leaders in many sectors - politics, industry, health care, law, property and business and is also well-travelled and has seen many parts of the world.
Sue believes that it is only the Conservatives who can protect our farmers, families, retirees and children from the ideological and irrational policies of the Labour Government. She is an environmentalist to her core, but every policy of this government is destructive to the wellbeing of rural areas – the Inheritance Tax will destroy family farms, taxes on local businesses will reduce employment opportunities and productivity, and the sheer scale of solar complexes will destroy our landscapes, tourism and livelihoods.
Sue promotes accountability and demands value for money and stands against the irresponsible spending of Liberal Democrats in local government, cutting local services that hurt ordinary people and ignoring the unintended consequences of simplistic politically driven decisions.
Sue is passionate about the South Cotswolds and the beautiful villages in which she has grown up and lived all her life. As a businesswoman with deep knowledge of our people and our needs, her ideas and energy have long been aligned with the needs of our communities. Sue is the first and best choice of representative to fight for funding that benefits everyone in the division. She understands the value of our communities and as a councillor would work hard to ensure the best opportunities for everyone in Sherston division and across the County.